Week of 4/6 for Danny Mathieson

Goals for the Week:

  • Finish Cellular Automation Hardware design in Verilog
  • Create mid-project presentation


  • I still have not finished the hardware for automation
    • Calculating border conditions in hardware is much less trivial than doing so in software
    • Running the calculations in parallel is more difficult than what we did for the julia-set creation
  • The presentation will be finished shortly

Current Challenge:

  • Running a parallel calculation with multiple values that are subject to previous change is causing me the following problems:
    • Timing.  I am trying to optimize the amount of time needed for each generation to be computed by having hardware specific to each cell.
    • Hardware usage.  I am using specific hardware for each cell, and each cell also has 2 flip-flops per cell.  Also, because cells all depend on the previous values of other cells, wires between previous flip flop values are required as well.
  • I don’t see these as huge problems, but I will bring them up in our presentation tomorrow to get ideas from the rest of the class on how to solve them

Plan for next week:

  • Finish the hardware implementation by Wednesday.
  • Begin implementing with Sarah’s BRAM on Wednesday, and begin displaying the output of the cellular automation via VGA
  • Spend the weekend debugging my calculation implementation in hardware
    • I won’t be able to debug except for synthesize errors because I won’t be able to see the output until then

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